Monday, July 12, 2010


Eleanor Lambert and John Tiffany, photo by Patrick McMullan

If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.
-Pearl Buck

When my brother Thomas saw this picture, he told me that he really admired the fact that I moved to New York City and worked for "that lady with the turban." Later on, he told me he was impressed and inspired that I had done something I really wanted to do in my life - which was to work in fashion. I told him that one of the things I also really wanted to do was create a film project that would capture Eleanor Lambert, her life, and all of her accomplishments. He thought it was a great idea and said he hoped I would do it, I promised I would. This was the last conversation I had with Tom before he died on this day nine years ago.

Today, this project of telling the story of Eleanor Lambert has grown into a few big pieces. Not only is there the Empress of Fashion blog, but I am also in the process of producing a documentary and book on her incredible life. The response lately has been incredible!

I would just like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has logged on, sent emails, become fans of this blog, the FaceBook and the Twitter this first week! I hope you will continue to share this blog with your friends and come back in the days, weeks and months ahead as more will be shared and revealed...


  1. tom would be proud you are happy, and living your dreams.

  2. oh Tiffy - was that really 9 years ago? I remember that horrible day like it was last month. Good for you for starting this project - the Empress of Fashion is a very good, close personal friend of mine, actually. So is the Empress of Paris - we're all very VERY close friends....

  3. I remember going to your place and crying that day! thank you for the comments... I have another friend who has a lot of royalty-like people in her back pocket as well....


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