Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sam and Judy Peabody, photo by Bill Cunningham, NY Times

I was surprised and saddened today to see that Judy Peabody passed away on Sunday. Judy Peabody was a well-known New York socialite, a front row fixture at Bill Blass, but she was also an amazing volunteer and an unstoppable force in truly helping those in need in New York.

She and Eleanor Lambert were friends. After I left Eleanor Lambert Limited, Miss Lambert called me and invited me to attend a fashion show in Bryant Park and suggested we could go to Judy Peabody's after the show for "one of Judy's fancy luncheons" It was towncar gridlock outside the tents in Bryant Park and towncar gridlock at Mrs. Peabody's too!

Miss Lambert had the best way of introducing people: "Oh Judy, of course you know John Tiffany, don't you" (of course, why would she?) Judy replied: "Well, I know him now and I am so glad he is here." It goes without saying -- or maybe it should be said -- that Judy's home and her luncheon were perfect in every way, she made everyone feel welcome no matter who they were.

New York City and its citizens have lost a great friend and champion today. Read more about the amazing life and philanthropy of Judy Peabody here.


  1. John - I LOVE THIS! I'm now going to use it, ALWAYS, going forward!
    "Miss Lambert had the best way of introducing people: "Oh Judy, of course you know John Tiffany, don't you" (of course, why would she?) Judy replied: "Well, I know him now and I am so glad he is here."

  2. The first time I heard her use it, is when Miss Lambert introduced me to Barbara Walters! :)


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